This is an old post, preserved for reference.
The products and services mentioned within are no longer available.
The test harness is a series of loopback plugs which plug into the VIC20 ports.
A cartridge is then installed which runs Commdore's VIC20 diagnostic software.
The kit version of this requires you to assemble these from the parts provided.
Accompanying the harness is a choice of cartridges. There is a dedicate diagnostics cartridge.
The kit for this comes with a pre-programmed ROM.
The other choice is a ROM/RAM board. This is a simple DIP switch controlled card that can provide 27K or 32K of RAM, or a selection of a few games to test out you VIC, along with the diagnostics ROM.
The kit comes with pre-programmed ROM and GAL.
These cartridges can be fitted into an original Commodore cartridge case.
The smaller board is held in place by the inverted T shaped pillars (which are sometimes removed in brown utility cartridges).
As well as the kit, you can just order the PCBs.